Quincy, Mass., June 28, 2018 – To support the well-being of seniors across Massachusetts, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket – and help their caregiving families address issues and access services they may have difficulty managing on their own – Best of Care Inc. has introduced a geriatric care management (GCM) program.
The home care agency launched its GCM program to support Massachusetts seniors’ well-being wherever they choose to age in place and reduce their family caregivers’ stress, according to Kevin Smith, Best of Care’s president and COO. “Our familiarity and expertise with the wide variety of health systems and payers in Massachusetts will allow us to help both new and existing clients navigate a disconnected network. Families – especially those who live far away – may be frustrated in their attempts to get the right support or coordinate services. This is where a geriatric care manager comes in. These professionals can also help a family before a crisis emerges by discussing ‘what if’ scenarios and mapping out a plan to help the elder as their needs change
Best of Care’s GCM services will be led by Erin Kopecki, Best of Care’s manager of geriatric care management services. Kopecki is a trained gerontologist with an MS in gerontology and management of aging services and a BA in gerontology. A certified geriatric care manager and licensed nursing home administrator, she is a member of the Aging Life Care Association. Kopecki is also founder and manager of Best of Care affiliate agency TUCKed In Eldercare, a GCM service for both permanent and seasonal residents of Nantucket and their families.
Families who choose Best of Care’s GCM services will work with Kopecki to customize a long-term care plan. They may also choose ongoing support to help them manage a continuum of services for their elderly loved ones. Depending on the senior and her/his family’s needs, Best of Care can arrange and oversee support services and outside agencies, assist with legal needs, consult on insurance options, coordinate medical and transportation services, discuss difficult topics and complex issues, evaluate in-home care needs or alternative living options, make home visits to suggest needed services, provide stress relief and education to family caregivers, provide ongoing monitoring and select and refer care personnel.
Families interested in learning more about Best of Care’s geriatric care management services may call 800.310.5800, visit www.bestofcareinc.com/our-services/geriatric-care-management/ or email erin@bestofcareinc.com. For services on Nantucket, call 508.577.5057.